Monday, July 06, 2009

We had some really productive meetings yesterday. We created the outline for our intro and interstitials, which we will be shooting on July 18th. If you are a CG make sure you can be there! We need as many of us as possible to be there. And trust me, you won't want to miss it.

After a quick jump off Barbara's table, the Muslim section hard drive was making interesting noises and refusing to function. But don't worry, we have the footage on another drive. The Muslim section will be meeting again this Tuesday from 7-9pm and Friday starting at 4:30pm. The interstitial section will also be meeting on Friday, starting at 9am to script the intro and interstitials. For the Jewish section, we need the rest of the footage (bedroom interviews, Fishman's etc), but after we get that we have a clear plan for finishing and editing. Thankfully we don't need to shoot anymore.

So that's the update for now. I wasn't at the meeting for the Atheist section group, but I heard it went well.


rebecca said...

Sounds great Maddy! Thanks for sharing. Don't forget... we also have a meeting the morning of the 18th with Jessica (the designer/marketing person I told you about.) July 18th from 9:30 - 11:30. I am not sure when your shoot is planned.

rebecca said...

I will reschedule the time with Jessica so as to not cut into your shooting time. I'll get back to you all with dates soon!

barbara said...

thanks Maddy! Your jewish drive will be ready today on our way to Yo Latina workshop.