Monday, March 17, 2008

Hey Everyone, 
I am going to pull a maddy here and post something out of turn. sorry!!! Just wanted to share an experience i had yesterday.

As i was going home from our undercover shoot yesterday, we stopped for food, and at that point i still had my hijjab on and looked as muslim as a girl with white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes can. As we walked into the place there was an almost immediate change in atmosphere.... it was really interesting.... i cant explain it. I sort of experienced what Hannah and Molly did. At first when we sat down I was getting a lot of not-so-respectful looks from mostly white men in more dressy clothing and a little more subtly suspicious looks from the women with them. My parents noticed it to. Then our server came up, all smiles and hellos and all of a sudden all the hostility was gone. Everyone went back to eating and talking and i even got a few smiles from people when leaving. I think its safe to say our conjecture about one person changing their attitude can affect the attitude of the entire establishment.... or whatever it may be.

=] Thoughts? Comments?

I think this is a good thing.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

Wow. That is interesting. I kept my hijab on for the rest of the day. It was interesting to get reactions even though it was only from my family and two friends who came over that night. I really want to wear it in public now. It is so cool to be able to experience being treated so differently. Not that it is a good thing, but I just think that a lot of people don't sympathize with the situation Muslims (particularly women wearing hijabs) are in because they don't experience anywhere near the discrimination (whether it be actions or just how people look at you).